Rachel Renee


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Halloween Halloween Trick or Treat

I discovered CANDY!!!! I can't wait for next Halloween!!

I love carving punkins! This is the first time I got to help! I didn't really like the gooey stuff inside because it made my hands all "ticky", that's toddlerese for sticky - and I like to have clean hands - but it was fun trying to carve faces. Mommy made my punkin a star and baby Levi's a moon.

I got a little scared though when we turned out the lights to see our punkins glow. Not so cool


Yay! Punkins!!! I couldn't WAIT to go to the punkin farm. I had so much fun running around looking at all the punkins! I kept saying "broken" cuz lots of punkins were all squished. I did get to wear my cute kitty rain boots though.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

25 Months - October...

Having fun...me and my friend Gabby, me being silly for the camera...I also like to kiss my baby brother, but he's not looking like a baby anymore. He almost weighs as much as me!
I'm kind of learning how to count these days. I say one, two..count. I like to count my crackers and food. It's cool! I'm so smart. I'm still really good at taking my diaper off and I LOVE to do it when I'm poopy. Mommy hates it cuz she has to wash my blankets or clean the carpets when I poop on the floor. It's so much fun though!Maybe one of these days I'll be potty trained - but for now I'm having a good time.
Oh, my hair is long enough now that I can have pig tails! Aren't I cute??

Thursday, October 9, 2008

24 Months Old - Fun Times

I am such an energetic kid!
I LOVE to make funny faces when you try to take my picture. If you tell me to say "cheese" I have to be silly. I can't help it - I got it from my daddy!

We went to the fair and this year I had lots of fun! I got to play in a giant bowl of corn kernels, ride a pony and lots more fun stuff! I even got to be in a diaper derby for kids 2 and under. You would think I had the slight advantage, since I was the oldest kid in the derby - but this one year old had to show me up! I was too busy smiling at the audience. I have to remember my fans!
My tantrums are increasing too -I love to throw fits when I don't get what I want. I'm the Queen Tantrum Thrower - a title my mommy does not like.

But, I am cute so you can't stay mad at me. I like to drive trucks too! I got to play in a semi truck at the kids museum! It was AWESOME. By the way, I CAN say that word - AWWsumAYE. :) I can have a mini-conversation with you now. I have a vast repertoire of words I can use. See - I can use some big words too!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pumpkin Farm

Boots, Ponies & Pumpkins

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Here is my new bed and quilt! I LOVE it, I'm such a big girl now!!
My new puppy Buddy -he is a long hair Chihuahua!! He is so cute and cuddly. I like to get kisses and sometimes try to lick him. He's my new best friend! Oh, and I am so smart that I can spell "chihuahua", bet you didn't know how to spell it!
Check out my Dora cake - I even blew out the candles all by myself. I was so fast my mommy couldn't get a picture of it.
Opening a present from Grandma Ralston...she got me some cool clothes, stickers and a puzzle with animals!

Monday, September 1, 2008


My great grandma made me a little cake and I had no problem digging in after I blew out my candle! I got lots of cool stuff! A Dora pillow with books, Dora bath toys and a dolly and dogs that come with a brush so I can comb their hair!

Here's my dolly with the hairbrush - I was SO excited!! She even comes with clothes that I can change. My grandma and grandpa fox got me this toy. They had a party for me and Grandma Linda at her house. I got to play with Diego, Zoe and Lulu - grandmas dogs. Grandma let me help her pick tomatoes but I ate most of them. They are so yummy!

Even better - I get two more Birthday Parties! One with my mommy and daddy and brother and another with Grandpa Wilton and my cousins and aunt and uncle! Yay!!! I'm so spoiled! Actually, my uncle Josh's Ordination is on my Birthday in Canada so everyone is going to that so I have to have my birthday separate so all my grandpas and grandmas can go to it. That's pretty cool!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

23 Months!!! Lake Chelan

Look! I got to drive the boat!
Here I am with my favorite cousin, Lizzy! We have so much fun together!

Here I am, 23 months old. I'm only one for another month!! I had a great summer playing outside, going to the lake, the cabin, the river and waterslide parks - I use the potty every now and then and I say so many things my mommy can't keep track. I even got a big girl bed! It only took me a few days to get used to it and stop screaming and banging on the door when my mommy closed the door. I like it now!

I even love my brother - I kiss him, try to help change his diaper, take his socks off and give him his pacifier when it falls out.Mommy does not like it when I do that though -especially since I like to pick my boogers and eat them!

So, here are some pictures from my last month as a one year old. I loved the waterslides and swimming in the lake and pool the most. I wasn't even afraid to jump in the water! My daddy was there to catch me. I did have this diaper on one day that wasn't for the water and it ballooned up so big that I had a giant bubble butt! It was pretty funny!