Monday, September 1, 2008


My great grandma made me a little cake and I had no problem digging in after I blew out my candle! I got lots of cool stuff! A Dora pillow with books, Dora bath toys and a dolly and dogs that come with a brush so I can comb their hair!

Here's my dolly with the hairbrush - I was SO excited!! She even comes with clothes that I can change. My grandma and grandpa fox got me this toy. They had a party for me and Grandma Linda at her house. I got to play with Diego, Zoe and Lulu - grandmas dogs. Grandma let me help her pick tomatoes but I ate most of them. They are so yummy!

Even better - I get two more Birthday Parties! One with my mommy and daddy and brother and another with Grandpa Wilton and my cousins and aunt and uncle! Yay!!! I'm so spoiled! Actually, my uncle Josh's Ordination is on my Birthday in Canada so everyone is going to that so I have to have my birthday separate so all my grandpas and grandmas can go to it. That's pretty cool!


Kim said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHEL!!!!! Thats so cool you have so many parties in your honor!! And thats a pretty neat Dora pillow - don't tell anyone I said that. Dora is pretty sweet. I wish I could have been there to celebrate with you!!

Rachel and Levi said...

Hey guess what! My mommy got me a doggy for my birthday! A real live doggy of my own!!!!!