Monday, April 7, 2008


I'm 19 months old now and getting smarter every day. I like to say bye-bye and hi and meow and dadda...still not mommy. haha...I make all sorts of animal noises and can point to my different body parts. I especially like to stick my finger IN my nose when you ask me where my nose is.

Reading books and watching Dora are some of my favorite things to do indoors - and helping my daddy work in the garage or with tools or out in the yard is the best! I like to go for walks, smell flowers, play with rocks and climb everything. I finally learned how to slide down my little toy slide all by myself! It's so fun!

I also don't like it when I spill my milk on the floor or drool/spit on the floor. I go and get the kitchen towel and wipe it up. My mommy gets mad at me because she's always having to get out new hand towels. :)

I brush my teeth real good now and like to wash my hands and brush my hair and am learning how to take my clothes off all by myself. I also like to get out mommy's high heal shoes and put them on and try to walk around with them.

I'm really good at shaking my head to say NO but I don't say it yet. Mommy keeps asking me if I'm excited that I'm going to have a baby brother - but I don't really know what she's talking about. She says there's a baby in her tummy but I keep pulling up her shirt and all I see is a big belly with a belly button that I like to push on. Sometimes I hug it too but it really doesn't look or feel like a baby.

Kisses are fun too! I learned how to do that and now I kiss my toys and the cat and my daddy and sometimes my mommy. :) I like to hug too - like after I get in trouble for biting or hitting mommy I hug her and she can't be mad at me anymore!

*** ps, I have 12 teeth now!!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Have you tried sticking fingers in both nostrils at the same time? Thats my speciality.

I too wear my Mommy's shoes. The higher the heel, the better. I get pretty mad when she tries to take them away. I also wear her braclets. Daddy is a little worried...

Saying NO is great. I say NO to everything. Even if I mean YES. And Mommy tries to correct me..but I just say NO. hahaha..