Thursday, March 13, 2008

18 Months Old Update

Wow! I'm 18 months old already!!! Last week I had my Dr.'s appointment and I weigh 23 pounds and 13 ounces. I'm in the 50th percentile for height and weight, but my head is in the 80th! That's because I'm soooo soooo smart! I have 10 teeth and two of them are molars.

 I say dada, kitty kitty, bye bye and ticka ticka (tickle tickle), but still I don't say mommy. I just laugh at her and say dada when she trys to get me to say mama. :)

 I love my kitty cat and he is starting to like me too! He lets me pet him now and sometimes I can lay on him for a minute. I even try to feed him my cheerios and fishy crackers so he will like me more!

What else am I doing? Well, I like to brush my teeth and get very angry with mommy and daddy when they tell me I have to finish. I scream and hit them with my toothbrush - and them mommy takes it away. The other day it made me so mad I tried to bite her but she was fast and I missed. 

I like to go for walks outside, help my daddy build things in the garage, open doors with keys - am scared of loud motorcycles, daddy's tools, the gorillas at the Rainforest Cafe (restaurant)  - love to dance to music and watch cartoons. 

I'm getting very smart too - when mommy and daddy tell me to do something I  know what they mean. Like, do you want to eat, take a bath, brush my teeth, watch cartoons, go outside, go bye-bye or play with my toys. I also like to see my mommy's belly button and try to pull her shirt up so I can see. Hee hee! 
I also am learning where my nose is and stick my finger up it! haha! I'm so funny! I also like to take my clothes off and run around in my diaper - why wear clothes? I was born naked! 

I don't know what I'm going to do with a little brother - maybe dress him up in my clothes? I just hope he doesn't take all my toys and slobber on them. 

Well, that's all for now. I'll let you know what I'm up to when I get a little bigger!
Love, Rachel

1 comment:

Kim said...

haha!! kitty kitty is sooo fun to play with! Mine won't let me lay on them yet, but one likes to fluff her tale in my face. I won't share my cherrios with her though because I need them.
Daddy thinks its funny that you say Dada to your Mommy. I say Mommy to my Daddy, and laugh and run away. haha... We are so silly!