Monday, July 14, 2008

22 Month Stuff

Aren't we a cute family? My brother was sleeping so he couldn't be in the picture. 
Did I mention that I LOVE the river? I wanted to spend all day throwing rocks and sticks in the water. 
And I love ice too - I was taking ice out of the buckets that kept all the drinks cold at the Jamboree. MMM!! 
Do you see my boo-boos? I fell down a couple times on the cement and scraped my knees.I had to have some band-aides to make it better. 

I'm getting to be so big now! I say all kinds of things, mommy can't keep track of it all. I do like to say no and scream a lot though. I'm pretty good at flailing around in her arms so she has a hard time holding me. haha!

I spent a lot of time with my great grandma, cousin Emily, Grandma and Grandpa Fox - and my "papa" Gefre. I really like him. :)

I got to go for a walk in the stroller to Whistling Jack's Lodge to get an ice cream with my mommy and I saw lots of motorcycles and birds and went to the river and it was so fun! My mommy got me a Dora shirt too and it lights up when I move. Great Grandma's dog Lily tried to bite me though and ripped my shirt. Mommy was  picking me up and the doggy jumped up and was hanging from my shirt!  Poor Dora! But I was lucky I didn't  get a bite though -naughty doggy. I still like her though! I played with Grandma Fox's dog Diego though and he was really nice to me. 

1 comment:

Kim said...

I love water. I haven't ever even seen a river yet but I have seen your pictures of them and it looks fun! I can't wait to throw rocks and sticks in one, one day!!
For now, I protest when Mommy takes me out of the tub. I kick her and if she's not lucky, I just may end up peeing on her. She's always afraid of that.

Sorry about your boo-boo's. Did you get some cool band aides? I got me some Diego ones, they are yellow and green and accessorize my legs quite nicely.