Thursday, May 29, 2008


So summer has been good to me so far. Mid May was really warm and I got to go in my swimming pool! Mommy got me a bike too and I'm learning how to ride it. It's lots more fun though when daddy pushes me on it - I don't have to do any work! I also like to help my daddy work on projects, like our new patio! I dig in the dirt with my shovels and watch the birdies in the nest on our deck. I got to see two of the babies fly away from their nest! It was really cool!

I still love to watch Dora and Diego cartoons and go for walks outside and play in the yard. I get in trouble when I hit, bite, kick and spit and I have to have time-outs now. Mommy makes me sit in my bed for one minute when I'm naughty. I guess my kisses and hugs aren't good enough, now I have to go sit by myself. I don't like it one bit!

I also liked my cousin Elias, we got to play the other day. He can't walk yet but he's really interesting. I wonder what it will be like to have a little brother around. He still isn't here yet - mommy keeps telling me "any day now" but I want to meet him NOW! I need someone to play with.

Other interesting things that I do: I blow kisses, say papa for grandpa, kind of say Lizzy (my cousin), say nana for banana, baba for ball. I try to put food in my nose, know all my body parts, and LOVE the toilet. I want to sit on it like mommy. She showed me how the other day and I didn't want to get off of it. I wanted to keep sitting there. It's really cool when you flush it too! Maybe I'll be a big girl soon and learn how to use the potty! Oh, I also learned how to take my pants off in bed. Mommy keeps having to put them back on me. She's afraid I'll take off my diaper. haha..wouldn't that be funny? I'm also learning how to crawl out of the crib. I almost got both legs over the other night. What will be next???

1 comment:

Kim said...

I like that you hit, bite, kick and spit. You are my kinda girl. You totally can be in my club if you want. Usually there are no girls allowed, but you are pretty cool. If you go to my blogsite, I have posted tips on how to get away with murder! Its all in the facial expressions... hee hee hee..