Wednesday, September 5, 2007

One Year Checkup

Hey everybody! I had my one year checkup today and I didn't like it at all. :( First I had to take off all my clothes, even my diaper, and lay on a scale. They say I only weigh 18.5 pounds! I know, it's hard to believe if you've seen how much I eat! I'm also kind of short according to the doctor, 28.5 inches long - but I have a big head! The doctor says it's because I'm so smart. I guess I'm in the 17th percentile for weight and 35th for height - and 75th for head size!

So after I put my clothes back on the nurse comes back in and pricks my toe and makes me bleed - and then she gets some needles and pokes me 4 more times! I screamed and screamed at her to stop and finally she did. Even though the bandaids were cool, it wasn't worth the pain and suffering I had to go through. See my battle scars? I was really mad about this doctor stuff...


jessica said...

You look perfect to me, Punkin!

Kim said...

Those are COOL bandaides!!! I have never gotten cool ones. Just the stupid circle plain ones. I don't even get stickers and I hear everyone else gets them. Did you?
You look pretty angry in this picture... I would be too. Cept you are still cute. I'm not supposed to like girls right don't go around telling anyone I said that.