Friday, July 4, 2008

21 Months Old

I like to feed my baby doll.
Our first walk in the double jogger!
Daddy put me in the tree - he's holding on to me, don't worry!
I like to take Grandma's dog Diego for walks.
Ahh - isn't he cute! 


My little brother Levi was born and I think he's cute! I like to kiss him, pet him, cover him up with blankets and give him toys. I also like to sit in his car seat and his bouncy seat  and I even try to get in the swing  - but it moves around too much. 

I'm having lots of fun these days. Mommy and daddy took me to the beach before Levi was born and I got to walk in the water and look at ducks! Quack Quack! That's what ducks say and I like to talk like them. 

I am saying so many words now!! Ball, buckle, bubbles, baby, lizzy, Tim, ki-ko (for psycho the cat). I drink out of a cup really good now too but I still like to spill water all over the place. My favorite thing to eat is ice chips. Mommy and daddy give them to me and they make me very happy. 

We play outside in the backyard a lot - in the pool, on the slide or with my bike or daddy's tools. I really really like to help him work and drive his car. He lets me sit in it and pretend to drive. It's so much fun!! Oh, we went to a drive in movie last week and I wasn't a very good girl. haha! Mommy thought I'd go to sleep but I didn't. I stayed up till midnight and screamed and screamed until they let me in the front seat - and then I still screamed at them and crawled all over the car. My brother just slept the whole time - can you believe that? How boring! :) Mommy will never take me to a movie like that again till I'm a BIG girl. 

My favorite movie is Country Elmo -they sing songs and there are animals and little kids. I like to dance to it and clap my hands. Dora and Diego are still my favorites and I got a Dora potty seat!!! I can't wait to use it!

Last week I even used the big potty all by myself! I pee-peed and had a little poop in the potty! It was really cool! I even got to flush it too! I walk around saying poo-poo all the time and mommy and daddy think I have to go so they put me on the toilet. I'm not really ready to make that big step yet - but I like to trick them into letting me flush the toilet. 

Oh, the other day when I was taking a bath, I pooped in the tub! hahahahaha!! Daddy had to clean it up with a kitty litter scoop that mommy had just bought. He wasn't too happy about that. I think it's funny though - and mommy was glad it wasn't HER giving me a bath. 

My favorite toy right now is my bubble machine. I like to try to eat the bubbles as they fly through the air. They taste good!


Kim said...

Thats so cool you have a baby brother! I want one too! Or a doggy name Diego. Dora and Diego too are my favorite too!!
I can't believe you got to use the big toilet. I just try to stand on it. Maybe I should try pooping in the toilet. Mommy has a kitty scoop too. That would be fun!!


Rachel and Levi said...

my mommy got me a Dora potty seat for the toilet and I think it's awesome! You should ask YOUR mommy for one!