Saturday, September 15, 2007

Kansas City Wedding

After I spent some time in Las Vegas we flew to Kansas City to go my my Uncle Jeff and Jessica's wedding. I was really good on the airplane and fell asleep right away. I even got my own seat and mommy and daddy were really happy about that. Our first night there we went to dinner at this burger joint and I got to have some hot dogs and french fries! They were so yummy! My big brother Wil showed up and I was so excited to see him! He's so big!

The next day all of us ladies went to lunch and I got to play with Grandma Ralston - she let me sit on the table and eat bread and play with her plate and spoons and teddy bear. I was kind of grumpy cuz it was my nap time - and then we went to get our nails done and I was cranky the whole time. My mommy had to hold me in her lap while she got a pedicure and I would not sit still. It was kind of fun watching the lady paint my mommy's toes though. I even got to get my nails cut! The nice ladies at the salon did it for mommy because she doesn't like to do it.

That night we went to the rehearsal dinner, after my nap, and I had so much fun playing with all my cousins! Spencer really likes me, he drove me around in my stroller and carried me everywhere. Everyone was worried that he would drop me but he's so strong I wasn't worried. Mommy followed him around just to make sure.

Then the big day - Uncle Jeff and Jessica got married! I was a really good girl and took a nap through the whole wedding. They had a room that I got to sleep in and that made mommy and daddy really happy. I woke up just in time to eat and have some cake! My cousin Spencer asked Mommy if he could babysit me when we're busy - she told him that when he was big enough to take care of himself he could do it!


jessica said...

You are so lucky to have gone on all these travels, and such a sweetie to have been such a great sport about it all! Having your own seat is definitely the way to go - for the entire family! One day I hope you'll visit Indiana. :)

Kim said...

Thats really cool you got to see all those people, and even your big brother. I get to see mine every other weekend and have alot of fun playing with him.

I can't believe you got to eat hot dogs! My Mommy is always talking about how good they are..I'm waiting my turn, impatiently.
I did eat some meatloaf with ketchup today..and Daddy gave me a lick of mustard yesterday - i'm working on my condiments at the moment.