Sunday, August 26, 2007

Waterfall Cave

Here I am at Boulder Cave checking out the waterfall. It was kind of scary cuz it was so dark and I cried a little bit. That's ok though because I'm a baby and that's what we do. It was still fun, even though I got a little bit scared. We went in the cave and it was pitch black and I couldn't see anything at all! Daddy carried me on his back because mommy isn't very good carrying me and walking on rocks.

1 comment:

Kim said...

hee hee heee...i like this picture because your Mommy and Daddy are posing for the picture and you are off in the backpack, making a silly face at them...

Was it really that dark in the cave? How did your Mommy and Daddy see anything to walk around? Thats sooo cool you get to go to neat places like that! There's nothing like that here. Ho hum...